Thursday, May 3, 2012

Whether Belarus will cover the ninth wave of repression?

In Belarus, something happened that took place in Turkmenistan in 2002 after the assassination attempt on President Saparmurat Niyazov. And without that is not particularly soft mode at times increased the degree of cruelty.

Let me remind you briefly of the events in the solar Turkmenistan. In Soviet times, Saparmurat Niyazov was the executive officer and obedient. Take, for example, the former chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek Soviet Gairat Kadyrov recalled his colleague - the premiere Soviet Turkmenistan Niyazov: ... The company was that we should. I was much older than Saparmurad. I remember once we went with him to the hotel, we decided to drink. And I, as a senior, simply say so Niyazov ' run down the vodka! ' .

However, as president of independent Turkmenistan, Niyazov became quite another man. The republic was established brutal totalitarian regime. For ministers, for example, has become the norm in public kissing the president 's shoes.

To many it seemed worse in Turkmenistan could not get. But these people were wrong. In November 2002, driven by an armored Turkmenbashi ' Mercedes ' was racing down the avenue named after Turkmenbashi in the capital, Ashgabat. Suddenly from the left lane ' Kamaz ', which is cut off from the presidential limousine service life of machines. After that, ' Mercedes ' Turkmenbashi was fired from automatic.

Later, independent observers pointed to numerous inconsistencies in the official version of events. But this, of course, could not stop the ninth wave of repression. Thousands of people were thrown into the dungeons of the Turkmen security. On many of them since no one else could hear.

Despite the common Soviet past, Turkmenistan and Belarus - a country belonging to a completely different civilizational groups. However, in the biographies of Niyazov and Lukashenko as similarities that simply amazed.

In the early nineties, the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, was a member of the parliamentary committee to draft a new constitution. And now guess what was the main contribution to the work of Alexander G. committee?.

That's right! .

But quite a cackle. Let's talk about serious. Even before the explosion in the subway situation in Belarus was rather dismal. As told to me well-informed Russian official in the national budget gaping hole in the seven billion dollars. Get the money Lukashenko expects Russia to. Helping partner in the Union State in Moscow is prepared. But only in exchange for Russia under the effective control of strategic enterprises such as Beltransgaz. And for this he is not ready to Alexander G.. Accustomed to manipulate the neighbors turned out to be the leader of Belarus in stalemate.

I'm not sure if we'll ever know exactly who was behind the blast in Minsk. But, anyway, the attack gave Lukashenko a pretext for further crackdown. In this situation, all thinking people in Belarus can only sympathize.