Sunday, May 6, 2012

Famous Geniuses of sex

For you lovers samyhneutomimyh rating in history.

The most inventive lover - Chinese Emperor Yandi Sui Dynasty was known for his ingenuity on the part of sex and the ability to indulge. Having made a great many feats, he withdrew from public affairs and devoted himself entirely to amorous pleasures. In his tireless sex scenes was composed of seven women and seventy two ladies. In addition, in 3000 contained his palace concubines, whom his servants brought from different parts of the country. Versed in all respects, the lord greatly appreciated innovations in lovemaking, and rewarded the inventor of a king. When he traveled in his convoy was always ten chariots, each with a bed of red satin reclining nude beauties.

Julius Caligula. He loved everything and everyone, including his own horse, though zoophilia is not marked, but it brought him - the horse - in the Senate. More than just a horse he loved his own half-sister, as described in the famous movie Tinto Brass ' Caligula ... Julius his life ended badly - was ubitLyudovik XV. Surpassed in romantic pleasures of French monarchs. The most famous of his mistress - the Marquise de Pompadour, lady of depraved and nerevnivaya, so that His Royal Highness has managed to simultaneously hold a Deer Park - the so- called complex of small cottages in the gardens of Versailles, home to the full board, ... Giacomo Casanova. This man wrote the book, filmed. His memory is still alive. The greatest, most brilliant, most romantic, most loving man, though outwardly was far nekrasavets. Casanova loved women really so, and they, without exception, responded to him in return. He left the memories, honest and detailed enough. He died in poverty and loneliness. But it was something to remember!. The Marquis de Sade. It was not so bloodthirsty, although the ... He was fond of beating whips, breastfeeding women, ... Louis XV. The most famous of his mistress - the Marquise de Pompadour (along with the illustrious patron, it went down in history ). This lady was a very dissolute and loving, but it did not prevent the French monarch in parallel contain a whole Deer Park - the so- called complex of small cottages in the gardens of Versailles, home to the full board the king's ...

Peter I. He was terribly jealous bezuderzhen in their sexual impulses. Most prefer it were Germans and other Europeans, except yuzhanok because their passion and levity was summoned to the king fits of jealousy. According to some fairly common version of Peter I fell victim to his own loving, and the cause of his death was not hypothermia in the icy Neva water, and the banal syphilis.

9438.jpegGrigory Orlov. The most beloved favorite of Catherine II. Who wants more details, read the poem can be attributed to Ivan Barkov, which is called - ...

Alexander Pushkin. The pride of Russian poetry had many mistresses, see Pushkin's ... Amateur women wake up early enough in it. In adolescence, a poet with no memory of falling in love with a 36- year old queen. According to some sources, his poem ...

In the ... But life is not limited to official events. ' And the governor was not so good ' - he wrote in a letter to his wife. What did he do with this governor's wife, and without clear explanation. We know that his path was pleyboyskom and a young Kalmyk, and the yard a girl has given birth to his child. But the socialite is not frightened by such a poet 's reputation. For example, he was passionately fond of the daughter of Kutuzov, the husband of Madame Khitrovo. And despite the fact that she was not very pretty and young, Alexander is still often indulged her passion. In the most dire moments of his life Pushkin ladies' man did not lose. Thus, during his exile to the south, the poet started the game in love with his wife Elizabeth Vorontsova governor of Odessa, and they say, given her a ring he wore sardonyx until his death.

9437.jpegBeria. Not so much a great lover, as the great tyrant. In it, he did not know their competitors. Beria women picked up by specially trained people from the state of conservation, drove the car around town and looked out. How do they see - and grabbed the car. Lawrence finished his life even worse than Caligula: he was shot.

In the photo: Beria.

Charlie Chaplin. He liked young girls. And not just loved, he was still married to them and. Because of all this had a lot of trouble. And they loved his money and his ability to. Only in adulthood Charlie met a woman who really gave him your heart and give birth to children.

Jimi Hendrix. Quantitatively outdid Casanova Pushkin and combined. He had more than a thousand women. He lived a great guitar player of 28 years. Incidentally, he also engaged in other things - writing, as you know, songs, and his legacy is not fully published until now.

Recall the adventures of the U.S. President. John F. Kennedy. Rumor has it that the relationship with Marilyn Monroe - it is just the tip of the iceberg. Secretary, a journalist accredited to the White House, and just ' moths '. He could write girls on call and arrange sex orgy at the pool, they have participated and the staff of the White House. The researchers say, that he had a couple of hundred partners, except prostitutes. And all this took place almost in front of his beautiful wife.

Among the most famous Lovelace showing off the famous fruity. Julio Iglesias. The singer insists the figure 500 women, but rumor says that this amount is 10 times more. Julio 's first wife, the beautiful Filipina Isabel (mother of Enrique Iglesias ), after her divorce in 1979, told curious reporters that the reason for this - the frequent infidelity of her husband, which is unable to accept even the most patient woman. Julio himself in his interviews always said that bows before the fair sex, and even willing to die for love. The secret of seduction is very simple: you have to be rich to be able to dance the tango and love, love, love.

But the most prominent is the founder of playboy magazine of the same name, 89- year-old. Hugh Hefner. He once said that in his bed was 2,000 women. True or not? . It is true, only one - its vital principle of ... According to their mansion, he basically walks only in a dressing gown, suits wild parties, which are difficult to get to even the stars, and lives with up to three blondes.


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