Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lukashenko sends from Belarus to Russia of its offenders

A native of Belarus Ivanov calls himself a ... He was tried nine times for stealing, murder, theft, robbery, hooliganism and escapes from prison. One repeat offender was serving time in Russia.

As Ivanov said, in September 2009, he served his last sentence for disorderly conduct and was released. After a while Ivanov was detained, taken to jail and told that deprive him of citizenship and deported from the country as a socially dangerous element. Despite the fact that the Russian Consul in Brest said that Ivanov is a Russian citizen, he was allowed to enter the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to Ivanov, his first on the train in handcuffs taken to the Orsha - the last station on the territory of Belarus. After that, the supporting documents and a ticket to Smolensk were transferred to the chief train. In Russia, a criminal was sent to prison clothes and no money. As the criminal, only because he had criminal connections from Smolensk to Moscow reached. Comrades in the shop helped him with money and gave refuge.
As a repeat offender found, to return to Belarus, he now can not because of it he could face five years in prison. Belarusian passport Ivanova away to prison, leaving him with only a certificate of exemption and birth certificate.

At the same time in the Department of the Interior Ministry of Belarus migration argue that the procedure for deprivation of citizenship is not provided at all Belarusian legislation. This can be done only on their own. During his stay in Russia Ivanov managed to get a certificate signed by head of the Federal Migration Service of Citizenship Michael Utyatskogo that he is entitled to Russian citizenship, since at the time of the Russian law on citizenship was in Russia. As it turned out, in Russia, Ivanov was serving one of the terms in Volgograd.

As a repeat offender says he wants to return to Belarus or to grow roots in Russia, but for this he needs a decision by the authorities on citizenship. At work do not take it too because of the lack of necessary documents.

According to the newspaper, previously expelled from Belarus, only foreign nationals. For example, in 2006 from Belarus to Russia Russian citizen was deported, a political scientist Andrew Suzdaltsev. He was accused that he is a threat to national security of Belarus. Law enforcement bodies of Belarus examined the involvement of Suzdaltseva to write a number of materials known to be wearing a provocative character, which were posted on the Internet. Suzdaltseva within 5 years is denied entry to Belarus.

Recall that recently Russia and Belarus marked the 10th anniversary of the Treaty establishing the Union State. Although initially it was assumed that the countries will be shared border, parliament, currency and army, this did not happen.


Friday, May 25, 2012

Important organizational announcement: cleaning series!

A week later, I, as moderator, will hold a ' clean ' the list of authors by removing the ' dead souls '.

Let me remind you that this blog was originally conceived as a platform where they could express their views on the subject specialists EDS / ECM.
In fact, to speak in the form of comments to posts imyut quite possible everyone ( including anonymously, although the anonymous option is not encouraged and is seen as temporary).
But posts can I write only to the authors - those who got on the blog moderator ( me ) an invitation to participate and accepted the invitation.

The list of authors is shown in profile, blog ( left column ).
But, unfortunately, has stated that the current list of sponsors - a 90 % ' list of dead souls '. The vast majority either written for all time 1.2 post ( and even then for a long time ) or did not write anything at all ( and even then did not appear as a commentator ).

We must also say that, unfortunately, the mechanism Blogger. com is not very suited to the vaiantu ' mnogoavtorskogo ' blog. There are not many useful things:.

  • Statistics from the publications by author.

  • Sorting records by author.

  • The mechanism of translation entries from other blogs ( cross- posting ).

Yet this is not the cause of ' inactivity ' authors. She is a friend, in the methodological aspects.
One way or another, but the ' dead souls ' - this is bad.

In this regard, I will be done ' cleaning ' the list of authors. That's according to the principle.
a. The list will remain EXACTLY the ones who wrote the record from May 15, 2010.
2. Those who actively participated in the discussions (which I'll define subjectively).
3. Those who have until August 22 in an explicit form ( letter to me, or better as an entry in the post), indicate their willingness to participate in the role of the author.


The list of authors will not be static and final!.

It can occur at any time by new authors. To do this, simply contact me by e-mail akolesov @ online. ru. But, of course, the question of admission of the author will not automatically be accepted. Activity - will be one of the prerequisites for participation as an author (in my mind: at least an average of one entry per month).

So what?.

August 22 a list of authors reduced.

But vozmozhnocnm to participate as an author of the blog is available to all.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, objections to the issue we can discuss it here.

I'll give an idea

So another game on the set of boards. You tell about yourself in the comments of all that can be useful and the soap (you can zaregatsya specifically for this case, if the fear of spam ). And I will send you to the soap his idea not to shoot her in Public.

If in the end you realize this idea, you get the right pEar it in this blog, whenever it does not embody. Unless, of course, this blog will stretch up to this point.

Desirable to see the comments in the form that will give grounds for thinking. If you are a programmer, but want to take a design, I did not give up tries your knowledge of programming, but we need more or less understand how much you are well versed in design.

I also do not promise you a detailed plan. I will give an idea. How to dispose of it - your business. Consider it a kick in your lazy ass and unprincipled. And no more.

Do not expect it to be an idea supermegaunikalnaya. If I see that you are able to break the market exchanges links, then I would suggest you create an exchange of links and point out the things that lead to being embodied this. So expect more from the look on your skills.

Who would be helpful? . There are no restrictions on skills or on the floor, no education. There you have your skills, there is a possibility, have assets and / or materials - give an idea?.

Do not expect tips in the spirit of ' how to get to 300 or 3000 bucks a month '. This will be the idea in a million, if you know the game in words. Understand, let us meet together in the views begin to move - the result will be. An example of this synergy - Dorgen-X, as he brought it to a programmer, I can not say (but he is satisfied ), and how many more will bring - the more. By the way,. published version of a. 3.

I look forward to the issues. Questions are accepted up to 18. 00 GMT 08/10/09.

UPD. time corrected. Please do not post without details. Desires, aspirations, preferences, opportunities. Give me food for the brain. I can not give you an idea, if not more to say.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

In Belarus, found a new species of primates

Scientists around the world are not aware that the Belarusian urban jungle inhabited by distinct and previously unseen species of primates. The appearance of these mammals on the streets of Belarusian cities are increasingly afraid of the people. Cases of frequent attacks on passers-by in the last week.
While it is difficult to say what caused this activity of these animals, but have noticed that there is a direct link between the raids and their rate of Belarusian ruble, as well as a variety of goods in the Belarusian stores. Particularly acute irritant to animals are passers-by, which behave very peacefully and positively. The logic of such a reaction, it is difficult to explain, since the species is poorly understood, and to date there are few data that characterize his.
So, there is different kind of Belarusian apes from his brethren in the more southern latitudes? . These characteristics allow the primacy of the Belarusian people in the crowd of masked. Normally, Belarusian primates also live in herds. Each herd has its leader - is the strongest individual, but in contrast to the southern view of the primacy of the Belarusian brothers is more sedentary, rarely getting out into the city from its usual habitat.

If you still selected, then masked by two methods: puts on a clumsy tracksuits and gaudy shirts (thus masquerading as usual ...

In spite of this disguise, they can still recognize. In the first case of its radio shows ( the proximity of the life of the people affected their advancement in communication ), the second banal immaturity when chevrons instead of ... However, in fact, and in both cases, these individuals can be identified by their forced contact with people. It was then shown their mental ability.

Failure to communicate with people can often translate into aggression by an elementary failure to understand simple words of the Russian and Belarusian languages. While they are able to perceive individual words and colors, but more complex constructs they are not perceived, and it is often poured into inexplicable aggression.