Sunday, April 1, 2012

Business 2.0, or a business built on trust

For four months I was rescued from the sale of Satellite-X about six thousand. in. e. and created a community with a constant turnover of assets (sale of satellites, templates, content, and by-products), whose size does not undertake to assess the. How to achieve the same results?.

To begin with let us recall what the Web 2. 0. So called an environment where content is created by actors. So why not try to do the same in business?.

Many will find here the analogy with the MLM. Yes, MLM uses involve the buyer in the sales process. Still, MLM is based on different premises than what I'm going to tell you.

Suppose that you have a product you want to sell. This is a useful and necessary goods. Are you sure. What are your scenarios? . The buyer will come, look on the shelf, read the instructions and may buy.

What will MLM plier? . Each member will receive a product of the pyramid, in addition, all but the lower level will receive a bonus for bringing.

What will the Adept Web 2. 0, for example, I. It creates a community of consumption. Consolidate its overall goal, which will be the product only indirectly related. Well, most importantly, it will bring up a reputation as his own, and the product. In MLM the same product is transferred from the hands of friends - it gives the opportunity to not care about the reputation of the product and its creator. The main act of convincing of the correctness of the first followers.

In the Web 2. 0 by spontaneous involvement in the process of realization / purchase of a reputation is made up of many things:.
- Reviews of the first buyers, friends, acquaintances,.
- Responsiveness of the vendor,.
- Availability of the seller,.
- A vast array of information about the product and the seller, created not only and not the seller, and those who used the product.

Consider this example.

script. Satellite-X. appeared around 10-15 March. Just do not remember, but you can pick up the story on the CE. Interest was expressed, but little. Most of the purchases was made purely out of interest.

In this step was missing the whole infrastructure: the blog has just opened, a reputation as a seller I have had zero. From your friends at the Council of Europe, as the basic platform of sales, I had a rep for building Rodionov (one click to 200 ). So how then sell? . principle number one sales. : There is nothing to take, take the price. Price was really funny - 10 WMZ. So the script was given to almost nothing, without taking into account the real costs in time. I started to build a system.

Was originally applied. principle number two sales. : Going to sell, not give free. However, I confess, once this principle is violated. I gave the script to test someone with a high reputation. But behind me was already more than fifty sales, and I aimed to conquer the next section. But, comrade, IMHO, not even opened it never passed the archive.

But to build this sales system that was not enough. I want consistency and regularity in sales. So I turned this blog into a small media. It is difficult to say how it happened, but this blog is pretty blogs (150-300 people a day 150 subscriptions ), although it is not too fast increases in subscriptions. Part of the news. Steel output script ups. It is not surprising that almost all the regular readers of this blog sooner or later become purchasers of the script. Maybe for some it is an expression of gratitude for the blog, but it must be admitted that many have already earned through this tsmski.

The second point was my almost around the clock stay in ICQ. 30-40 while writing contacts - now it's commonplace. Without a history of correspondence preserved even now I can not understand what's going on in a conversation with a particular interlocutor. Reread at first and then answer. But I'm always there, always open. Now the activity slightly decreased - leaned offline, but my absence is now partially offset by store, part of a forum. So in general, consumers do not suffer. Again, every day, with each board from the system itself in terms of sales improved usability.

T. e. take out of it all. the third principle. : Visibility and accessibility of the company ( the author).

At some point, I caught a new trend - the number of buyers has been to develop into a quality. It was a surprise for me and new. This was preceded by my course for newbies. Three weeks of nightmare. I tried for three weeks is not too late to 21-00 in Moscow to begin to answer questions. And since this time knocking and customers, the ICQ filled chaos head just swell. But while the course and kept the overall rate, the training was conducted on the basis of the script, on the one hand easier to work with newcomers - with a script to start working hard, but when you understand how it functions, each following site easier and easier to do, but on the other . loyal to the zero -trained users. So I got more than thirty militant followers, my. ' young '. Guard (in fact much smaller, about one out of three stayed in the cage and continued his activities in the area manimeykinga ), although the age of the cadets was mostly over 30.

Here is a. Fourth principle: Carry ( gone ) knowledge. Still it is possible to define its variation:. fell threads. Many people believe that sharing knowledge is stupid, the student must take advantage of them to overtake you. To this I always said:. If I overtake, I will be proud of a student, if they can not, I will remain of the opinion that I am the best. I have not seen anyone who was not grateful for the knowledge transferred, and chewed. And thanks to - the mother of trust. The trust in turn - the basic currency of the blogosphere. Do good to people and you all will return a hundredfold.

So, back to a society sympathetic. I was constantly communicating with a huge mass of people previously unknown to me. And I realized that I, as a conductor, too unreliable - sometimes I may not be in place and only one thread breaks. At this point, and appeared. Club Bablorubov. The club became the place where babloruby began to gather and discuss topics that could not be trusted with the wider public or community. Or did not want to.

What conclusions can we draw from this? . All are examples of popular community. Even within the shtetl forum sooner or later formed subsoobschestva sitting exclusively in one of the sections with weak overflowing into neighboring. If we isolate the community from the outside, to give an opportunity to speak openly, without fear of blank stares, the community becomes stronger and more stable. Let us recall the paradigmatic. a society of free masons. or for those who are not familiar with the history -. leprosy.

Thus, the. principle number five. : Create a platform for the community.

Another interesting application to create your own environment was the creation of a dealer network. I applied, I must admit a rather unusual move - back rebate. Buying from a dealer's cost to the buyer for less than the original seller. I often use this scheme in the offline business where I sell a little cheaper than the supplier. Even the top add the services.

In this case, I went to a conscious loss of the seller, knowing that if I do not zamotiviruyu other users on sale, you just will not be able to increase sales. The loss, by the way a lot of. The difference in purchasing directly through a dealer, and for me, 25%, t. e. I'm just losing a quarter of. In addition, the terms of the dealer program drawn up so that I can lose up to 50%. But this loss of the mind: they expand sales network. I am selling is not exclusive, and consumer goods. Therefore forced to apply marketing techniques, where the seller can not do a simple exclusive advertising and polite manners.

so. principle number six: do not neglect the techniques of sales. As generally recognized, and the original. Actually, I was very surprised by the lack of marketing in social sphere. Do not advertise - it is enough, and marketing schemes, which had already poprivyknut due to the specifics of the off-line. Reread the book smart, not one scorched themes Thousanders alive online. It should be noted that the description is really knowledgeable marketing schemes I've seen in the social sphere only in master-x. com - Online adult masters. For all other work with the users ( to turn them into buyers) if there is no.

Future plans, I will not disclose. Watch for the situation - it changes every day. Instead, analyze and summarize the results made.

The principles of constructing a system of sales with Web 2. 0:.
1) there is nothing to take, take the price;.
2) was going to sell, not give free of charge;.
3) a public company ( the author), and as a consequence of the increasing credibility;.
4) knowledge generously gone;.
5) create a platform for the community;.
6) Do not defeat the methods of sales.

Starting with the dumping? . For example, a site for which I take offline for at least two thousand. in. e. , Online rarely costs more than a thousand. But offline is a contract, personal communication, and more. etc. Online, one must have considerable authority to insist on the same price. So low price - it is self-financing in the future. To build the same policy of growth at a low price - this is really financial. Marketing Warfare low prices do not win. Little money, it's a little ammunition, cheaper soldiers. And those who play Starcraft, know perfectly well how to take off quickly zerg, if there are few.

The second point - a consequence of the first. You can not build a business on the job for the tip. Do not give in to the entreaties and did not give the gift of their labor. You can arrange the sale. But nothing - thank you.

Items 3 and 4 are necessary for the growth of authority in society. One way or another Web 2. 0 - a collection of forums, blogs, and direct communication in ICQ or Skype. You can communicate and give valuable advice, but do not have any weight in the discussion forums. Or have a reputation in the one hundred thousandth of CE, but be full of ugly in direct communication. The combination of all these positions will mark the field of communication, where are your potential buyers. The broader your scope, the wider the circle, looking to you. And most importantly, at some point triggered the positive effect of communication and media circles begin to diverge not only from you but from your customers. The last example, a blog Rodionova. Before he could open a blog and write three posts for the first week, and Tammy Maynas have ranked him among the saints of all Internet. Why would? . Guerrilla activity in the social sphere Anton, easy PR on the forums and a couple of posts I have - and we should just have the blogosphere star.

The fifth paragraph on the need to unite community. When people know each other, they begin to interact: to buy something from each other, give advice, just talking and m. Dr.. This accumulating strong positive charge to one day return it to the track. For example, in a vote for or support Spomoni post on Nyus2. Or an obvious topic for the Council of Europe. It's no secret that all else being equal bablorubov buy products faster. First, buy yourself babloruby. Second, always helping someone babloruby once again apnut topic, raise turnips, etc. Dr.. And the result: rumors of a community grows and more and more willing to join him. A logical input, but the charge.

The sixth and final point is to motivate you to find other sources of valuable traffic than conventional. The numbers on the counter or place in the top 10 buyers have not yet. Learn how to turn into a buyer everyone who gets in your legs and then you realize that you have comprehended the mystery of the creation of Business 2. 0, as I understand it.

This post came dolgopishuschimsya most in the history of the blog - he stood in the drafts replenished poabzatsno five days. Thank you for blogspotu autosave, without him I would never finish this work. I would appreciate it if you find this work worthy of public relations in his blog. Beginners do not recommend taking these tips seriously and rush to build its software empire - it's still a description for those who have already filled a few lumps and looks for where the wrong.

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