Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blog interview with Vadim Ulanov: radio station Power Hit Radio Nashe Radio Murmansk

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For years, Radio Murmansk sausage market is not a child. Radio stations are dying, change formats, there are new ones that take off the bullet on the top line of the media ratings, old people are losing their positions on the contrary, always is an issue about the timing of certain licenses of stations that are in fact the radio pirates.

Amid all this in Murmansk has remained virtually the only regional radio station Power Hit Radio. The station was launched in conjunction with the Norwegians under a single brand for Scandinavia, Murmansk, Baltic states (with a trip to Riga in 2008, I heard a version of the Baltic Power Hit Radio. Nearly 10 years led the station in Murmansk Dmitry Borovkov (on a good professional with a marketing approach to the management company, which was always possible to find a common language and interests ). But Dmitri had gone into politics, and the station, but rather two ( in the last year have been added, and regional broadcast of Our Radio ), headed by Vadim Ulanov. That's the one I have today and introduce.

Dmitry Pantin.


With some delay from the scheduled date, I propose to begin now our blog interview.

Tell us a little about yourself and who you are, when, where he worked and studied, can achieve some.

Vadim Ulanov.

The proposal pleased to accept! . (Murmansk Humanities Institute). literally in the last year. It so happened that at the time managed to work and achieve some success in the field of journalism and international projects. In particular he worked on the STRC Moorman, published in the newspapers, was editor of the information on the Power Hit Radio. And of course we can not forget the ' extreme ' my place of work, a Finnish company Finnbarents.

Dmitry Pantin.

and in the company Finnbarents you what he did?.

Vadim Ulanov.

As I headed Finnbarents Murmansk office. Work has been associated with many areas - this trade and the promotion of Finnish companies on the Russian market, advertising campaigns, PR, project coordination, market research, general management office. The work is interesting, but, unfortunately, limited time frame of projects. Therefore, when the main funders of the European Commission were closed, I decided it was time to operate at full capacity, and went 'on the free bread ', in almost half of whom resided.

Dmitry Pantin.

In general, with the media market and advertising have you been familiar not by hearsay.

Vadim Ulanov.

Yes, and with great pleasure working with him:-).

Dmitry Pantin.

In fact you are now heads a group of companies: Murmansk station Power Hit Radio, Radio Murmansk, and our design studio ...

Vadim Ulanov.

In fact it is so. The most interesting is that these stations are on the first radio button, then goes Lighthouse, Record. and access to the FM transmitter on.

Dmitry Pantin.

Leading two radio stations and the company that owns perhaps the most popular in the Murmansk entertainment portal, you have already started to feel that kind of public puppeteer (because the media have an important impact on behavior and perception of reality, people )?.

Vadim Ulanov.

Puppeteer:-) Well, if the time will give a free, and you can certainly feel. In the meantime, work, work, work. Apparently the influence of the Finnish business. They are in the first place then how do you do your job quality, and personal ambitions, they have already discussed in the sauna. Well if you really quite honestly, this post. (position, responsibilities). for me is too important to be distracted by such things. The only local commercial radio station, one of the best resources of Murmansk, plus a rather big team. Once more I think about the responsibility and given the identity of the previous director, it is still early and a certain professor. level. Well I'm still young, 24 years, then show off what.

Dmitry Pantin.

Like it or not, and its program policy, content on this site you will influence your audience, and in many respects it will be young people, and it is the responsibility. Say that the U.S. is no longer on Earth. some part of the audience will believe you, tell me that on September 1 abolished the same effect.

Vadim Ulanov.

It would be more positive in the coming world ' order whose name we no longer pronounce '. even if the content managery deem it necessary, is likely to put. They're pros, and with the pros should be:-).

Dmitry Pantin.

Among the media in Murmansk is the highest competition in the radio market ( about 11 stations on the 300 000 population), but these are serious difficulties in moving, generating income. You are not afraid of such a high level of competition?.

Vadim Ulanov.

Hmmm. us Murmansk. If no Power, who will? . And we have an original product of the local radio, the same time such as Rec -. As for the music, again, the target audience is wide enough for us. Plus a smooth transition and not on the concentration of young people and in people aged 25-35 (the solvent group ) also creates a certain effect, including our advertisers. In general, I seem to spill the beans that we have changed the format.

Dmitry Pantin.

Well, since we have touched on the format in this issue, the more I will not ask, though planned, but about changing your format, I think it's no secret t. to. I (and a few other marketers ) know about him is not the first month, and is associated with it as time changes, which are next to my question:.

For several years, the radio station Power Hit Radio was on the top lines of the radio broadcast rating in Murmansk. But from 2008 the station began to take their positions with the federal radio content, then you went on to St. Petersburg. Max Basement. That was the generator of marketing ideas. After that I began to doubt whether the Power pick up the old power. How do you see the development of the station in the coming years?.

Vadim Ulanov.

At the station can now be viewed from two of the most serious points: management and marketing. I am interested in both issues, first of all, stability in the development of. I am ready to sacrifice one, two, three superkreativnymi ideas in order to positioning Power Hit Radio was slow, but successful. I am willing to work with two managers in advertising, and consistently produce one million than ten and ride the figures. In the coming years we will build a station with CA 25-35 years. We will have more ' conversations ' on the air, will be leading new and interesting. And all this in order to become as it were truly urban channel. Here are the problems we have in the near future. In general, catch up and surpass. slowly:-).

Dmitry Pantin.

Now move on to the project ... This radio project of Power as it took from another company, which was not developed. Knowing the professionalism of your staff, I was delighted that one of my favorite stations and finally a bright start its radio life in Murmansk. After all, this was a good premise. Our radio - it's clearly a niche product with a dedicated audience, moreover, it does not require much larger infusion in the form of human and financial resources of t. to. you broadcast content in which the federal do your tie. Since the autumn of 2008 under the name ... And in the last month listening to the radio broadcast because of the noise is almost not possible ( for example, I now listen to the station via the Internet). How can you comment on the situation?.

Vadim Ulanov.

Comment the following: incorrect signal is from Moscow. Tried to solve this issue, but so far everything is empty. Very sorry that this situation has developed. We are ready to translate, give a signal.

Dmitry Pantin.

At this point, not yet solved the problem with the signal, Nashe Radio in Murmansk will somehow advance or you will take the position of waiting not to hurt yourself?.

Vadim Ulanov.

We are at the stage of negotiations. While the issue is not solved with the signal, we are waiting. Market for Our Radio is and do not want to spoil it.

Dmitry Pantin.

Nashe Radio Murmansk office will soon be in the future to assist in bringing speech and rock bands in Murmansk?.

Vadim Ulanov.

Now the holiday season and, as I said, not yet reached agreement about the signal. The desire to move in this direction is, in fact there is a market for these artists in Murmansk, but there is no signal, no work under the name Our ​​radio.

Dmitry Pantin.

You worked a lot with the Finns, and had been in Finland, as. a wonderful and comfortable this country I know. , But I would like to ask you what you do not like Finns or in Finland itself?.

Vadim Ulanov.

First of all, deer:-) stupid animals strive to throw under the wheels at the wrong time:-) when it comes to just about the Finns from the viewpoint of cooperation, the work of the future, we can immediately note the lack of motivation among young people. Today people off, he goes out tomorrow, after tomorrow, he does not respond to your email. Of course there are the active units, but such small. Work with the Finns comfortable, pleasant, they know exactly what they are today, if what you do not, then tomorrow will not receive any benefits, but they have to work again, prefer in their territory. Currently the majority of Finnish companies prefer to ' sell out of their country ', rather than develop its branch network abroad. This is IMHO the observations. Static, in general, the people, and quite cautious towards Russian.

Dmitry Pantin.

Office plankton or your own business?.

Vadim Ulanov.

Hmmm question for each individual. I would have chosen their own business. To whom it does not fit, but I would like to ... I have before my eyes the example of my girl. She is now manager, but is actively seeking ways to develop as a coach, that is good in the long term earnings, personal development, etc. Dr..

Dmitry Pantin.

As you said in the recent past, you are a student, that you advise students who want to start your own business and become successful entrepreneurs?.

Vadim Ulanov.

Eeeeee:-) I was a student in the first month in the first year. Then, with the community itself did not associated the. Perhaps this helped to promote. A student learns, therefore, can afford to relax and make mistakes, well, it will write off all of its status. Here the question demands from himself. Upon completion of each project / activity is always a question asking ' Have I done everything to ensure that the project has turned out 250%? ' . Akseleratov who started and successfully continue their business with little 22-25 years. There are people who should be on, but if not led by a station in 22 years ( as Dmitry Borovkov, for example), do not despair, wait a couple of years and will.

Dmitry Pantin.

Now, as it were a question from the audience ( readers of my blog ).

Now the crisis, competition from Murmansk radio stations is very high ratings in the last year you fell like going to survive?.

Vadim Ulanov.

Well, we have organized bring gifts and offerings to various gods:-).

Do not plan to survive, we are planning to live off vneefirnyh projects and advertising. Fortunately for the crisis that the station was prepared.

Dmitry Pantin.

Thank you for the interview.

Vadim Ulanov.

Thank you, treat. I understand that I am the dark horse for many, so thanks for the opportunity:-).


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