Monday, April 30, 2012

Lukashenko made ​​a mistress

For the first time in many years, Halina Lukashenka won the attention of senior officials of the country.

During the years of neglect of the spouse of Belarusian President, many have forgotten the order, and the president of the country for a long time got an illegitimate son.
And the Council of Ministers of Belarus Galina remembered and noted Certificate of Merit. However, this was done quietly and without much pomp, and to award just announced a Belarusian newspaper - Opposition. ...
As found out a publication, a decree was signed by the Chairman of the Cabinet of another 8 January, but the news came to light only today, January 15. The official accompanied Instruments says that it is given:. ...
In fact,. Galina Lukashenko. is quiet, and I can even say reclusive life in the village Ryzhkovichi (Mogilev region). Over the past 15 years in power, her husband, she gave only one interview - the newspaper ... Told only that the periodic visitor to the presidential administration in Minsk, and my husband helps with money....
Old Man himself and keeps family secrets. According to unofficial information, get someone else in the village Ryzhkovichii, where Galina, impossible to keep a watchful eye over these employees of the Belarusian State Security Committee. And Lukashenka himself seemed to go the path ordered. At least, since he assumed the presidency of Belarus, with his wife was extremely rare to see. That, he said, in Minsk did not want to move, as he himself once in the village to wander.
On the native land of President of the country - about three hundred huts. The village is completely surrounded by asphalt and concrete fence, neatly painted houses at public expense. In the only village shop has everything for living, a lot - Belarusian production. Few of the residents of Belarus managed to go there, but there are rumors that Lukashenka has organized in his native village, a real ... The village has the status of an agro-town, which is built around the country have hundreds, but he is an exemplary Ryzhkovichah.
Sometimes Lukashenko carries television reporters here from other countries and their own, showing visitors the new two-storey school, medical facilities, a cultural center, a cinema and even a bar. All then unanimously say about the ideal purity of rural streets and that the villagers are afraid to go out ... The verdict of those who attended: nice, but boring.
A year ago, in January 2008, Belarusian media reported that the village Ryzhkovichi become part of the neighboring town of Shklov. The corresponding decision was made by Mogilev Regional Council. By Shklov also joined the Youth Village. In this case, not all residents were satisfied with the opportunity to become citizens. In particular, graduates from local schools to enroll in universities lose benefits to which they previously could count as residents of rural areas.
Galina Lukashenko has long worked as head of the kindergarten in the village, but now deals exclusively with public activities - kurotnym rehabilitation of the villagers. From it the president of Belarus - two adult sons:. Viktor and Dmitry. The first working with his father 's national security assistant, the second - avtotorgovets.
Belorussian. political scientist. Valery Karbalevich. in response to the question of the ...
- Most likely, nothing. It seems that this is a simple reminder that Lukashenko does not forget about his wife. One can hardly expect that Galina is now suddenly appears in the light or will accompany her husband at official events, or something like that... No, it never happened and is unlikely ever to be.
On the causes of awards do not know and in the Council of Ministers. Even a reporter's question one of the local media to confirm whether there is the fact that the president's wife received the Diploma,. government spokesman Alexander Timoshenko. said:.
- I do not know....
All Locked.
Last of Galina wrote ... The scandalous report called ... Relatives Lukashenko becomes an inveterate drunkard ... Lukashenko 's reaction to the publication of an extremely painful, called the journalists ...
Lack of information Belarusians make up rumors. The most common of them - about the tumultuous life of extramarital Lukashenko.
However, the Belarusian leader and does not hide from the people of his illegitimate son Nicholas, who this year is six years. And if we know about Galina Lukashenko anything, the mistress of the head of state information - zero. According to one version, the mother of ... There is another, more fantastic version: the child's mother - a former doctor of one of the metropolitan hospitals, which is put away after giving birth in the hospital for the mentally ill....
None of the versions is no conclusive evidence.
At a press conference the Belarusian leader said he would prepare young son for the presidency.
- The older sons do not hold,. - Said Lukashenko, -. they will be better now acting president. But I will prepare the youngest - an exceptional person....
The nation then stiffened, and his father was forced to say that all this was nothing more than a joke.
And yet, the Belarusians do not cast such a development plot. It has long walks in the country anecdote: ...
Meanwhile, Nicky accompanied his father everywhere: on holidays and even on important negotiations. In the presence of a baby Old Man, for example, was negotiating with the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and even with the Pope.
In short, the lad is actively developing political science.
Help ...
Diploma of the Council of Ministers of Belarus is awarded for special achievements. Get it could as individuals and businesses. The decision taken by the Government after reviewing applications from all ministries of the country. By the charter is attached cash prize in a very modest amount - up to ten ... Now one such value - 35 thousand rubles ( $ 12 ).
These women have made of their husbands Presidents.
Popular rumor has it that if the wife has got a wife and a Jewish Tatar, the lucky man. The women of these nationalities is able to make their spouses Presidents. And experience shows that such claims are a big reason. However, we will not go into the national aspect of the observational data. In addition, certain that the reader himself is able to analyze these claims and look for the arguments ...
We only present the result - who are the wives of presidents of the former Soviet Union and what place they occupy the throne next to the spouse?.
Mrs. Aliyeva. (Azerbaijan) - member of Milli Majlis (Parliament), the head of the working group on the Azerbaijani- American inter-parliamentary relations, the President of the Heydar Aliyev, President of the Friends of Azerbaijani Culture, President of the Gymnastics Federation. Cover Girl. On one of the pictures Mrs. Aliyeva posing in a dress with a belt from Dior is taken from the collection of the Museum of Azerbaijan. She studied and lived for many years in the UK.
Kateryna Yushchenko (Ukraine) - American-born housewife. On it are particularly fond of writing opposition media, mostly as a ... Yushchenko himself once said that in choosing their clothes completely relies on his wife's taste.
- 90 % of what I wear, buy my wife,. - Yushchenko says. -. And God forbid I say somewhere, ... I am in this matter is fully obey his wife....
And, it seems, not only in this....
Svetlana Medvedev ( Russia ) - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ... Rarely seen in public at various charity events, but its role is reduced to the minimum required.
Lyudmila Putin ( Russia ) - a housewife. In 2002, opposed the reform of the spelling, prepared by the Academy of Sciences. But she did not listen, and the reform took place. Once zavila:.
- I can hardly understand the black humor, irony. I love the good humor of a simple. I can not say that our family is always a sense of humor....
Sara Nazarbayev. (Kazakhstan) - according to some well-informed journalists, the first lady of the second largest CIS countries turned into a detective, accompanied by an infinite number of rumors and intrigue. Meanwhile, she went side by side with her husband through all the vicissitudes of his party political career. He is the chairman of the board of trustees of the charity fund. Author of several books. Birth to three daughters, the eldest of whom, Nazarbayeva, too, had managed to become a grandmother, and now all the world's influential publication confidently call her father's successor to the throne of Kazakhstan on the main.
Sandra Roelofs -Saakashvili. (Georgia) - Dutch, born in a family real estate dealer. He considers himself a writer. After becoming the first lady of Georgia released a memoir, which was published in three languages ​​- besides, of course, the Georgian and Dutch - still in the Ukrainian. Once in an interview said:.
- My husband is going to continue the tradition of strong Georgian leaders like Stalin and Beria....
However, its role in this process - not mentioned. From the publication in the Dutch magazine ... ...
And only in the Eastern countries of the CIS - local politicians never appear with their wives in a society. For example, no one ever saw his wife the first president of the country - Turkmenbashi, it appeared only at the funeral of a spouse. All then gasped: ... It is known, however, that she - not Turkmen.
Russian wife, and the presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
However, family ties are the rulers of the East does not interfere. If desired, the powers that give birth to men of quiet second and third wives... By the way, Turkmen passport is missing a page that says the marital status.
Source: ... free press. ...