Saturday, March 24, 2012

What's going on in LA in the venture coterie

They are ready to talk to any employer if it is in LA, well, if he Dolie, then it is also a chance. Look at the video and yuzerdzhenereyted content for games. At the same internetSMI glances, but they do not believe that we can come up with something new here. What intresno that in the Valley all you listen carefully, here they all do, seemingly as an afterthought - after the aircraft - the capital of entertainment (well, if we exclude Vegas).
In contrast to the Valley, they are willing to look at the social and okolosotsialnye projects. But only with a clear and strong bizmodelyu Velho to the user. And it is in today's networks - there is a problem.
But with an entrepreneurial tusovka seeking could not be. Will be considered until a representative Calacanis.
And the guys from Boston, say that there is a rod and Layfsayns Biotec, so that there is some specialization, the fall, if released, then go there to look around for a couple of days.

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